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Corbel users embrace the update and the Start Button is back!
On 17th October Microsoft released the Window 8.1 update for its flagship operating system. It was believed that the download would seek to address some of the criticism directed at the original version of Windows 8.
Keeping with the true “Techie” persona, some of the Corbel techies had been waiting on tenterhooks until the release date and once it finally arrived, wild horses wouldn’t have stopped them from downloading the latest version.
Although they had waited with intrepid anticipation, there has been a variety of mixed reviews from within the team. Some members have embraced the new interface from the off, others confessing that it may take a little while for them to fully accept the changes. One amendment that has been unanimously agreed on was the bringing back of the Start button.
Some of the changes in 8.1 include:
The Start Button is back
Certainly the most advertised feature of Window 8.1. Tapping once on this brings up the tiled interface
Boot to desktop
If you’re not an avid fan of the Microsoft colourful and oversized “Modern UI” start screen, this is a feature you’ll favour. Now you can boot directly into the Windows 7–like comfort of the classic desktop
Better search
The new search feature now scans all of your Apps, Files, and Settings in one fine swoop rather than you having to tell Windows what you want to search for
Microsoft eases off the controls with this version allowing you to choose a custom background from the Start screen, pick whatever colour combinations you desire, and even arrange the tiles in more ways, including sizes
Better split-screen capability
Previously Windows 8 allowed two “Modern UI” applications open side by side, however the divider bar always snapped to predetermined points that made it difficult to arrange items as you wanted. The new feature allows you to drag them to wherever you want and it will stay put.
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