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Essential Data Security Measures Every Business Should Take

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Cyber Security

As it is Cyber Security Month, and hacks and breaches are becoming more prominent in our lives, we thought we should write a blog to help your business stay safe and secure.

Data security measures are a necessity for everyone so here are some simple tips for your business to follow:

Strong Passwords

An obvious and easy one to implement across your workplace – every employee should use strong passwords and change them on a regular basis. By using a password that is between 8-12 characters long with a combination of capital and lower-case letters, numbers and symbols, it is a simple way to keep their devices and data secure.

Firewalls & Antivirus Protection

Firewalls are able to monitor incoming and outgoing internet traffic and antivirus software will protect your network from security breaches and legacy threats. It is important to make sure that you monitor and audit your protective software in order to ensure security and prevent any damage to your system.

Regular Updates

Updating and maintaining your software will keep you on top of any recent issues or bugs that have consequently been fixed. Newer versions have evolved and are able to provide stronger protection against threats that may have previously been present.

Consistent Backups

Scheduling daily backups to the Cloud will reassure you that your data is stored safely and up-to-date. By doing so, you are creating a copy in case the original copy is lost, damaged or destroyed due to cyber threats.

Ignore Phishing Emails

Although instinct is to open every email that you receive, always be cautious of phishing scams. If you open a suspicious email, avoid clinking on any links or downloading any attachments as this could be dangerous for your data. Changing your email password and varying them across email addresses will aid further security.

Educating Employees

By encouraging security training and reminding employees the importance of your company’s data, this will ensure that they will always perform necessary security procedures. This prevention method is more effective than having to deal with a security breach.

These practices should be applied in your workplace to ensure maximum security; if you would like any more advice, please contact us today.

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