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Cyber Security Training – Make It Happen

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Cyber Security

95% of Cyber Attacks rely on human intervention – a statistic that really focuses the mind. Cyber Security training your team is vital. Your team is more than just a Cyber Security vulnerability; they are a superhero in training that needs the right nurturing to find their superpower!

Phishing Email – What is it?

A phishing email is a cyber security crime that depends on deception to obtain confidential information from users and companies.

Phishing targets are tricked into divulging information they know should be kept private. Generally, it is because they have a perceived trust in the source of the information request and think the party is acting with the best intentions, phishing email victims normally respond without thinking twice.

A typical example of the information cyber criminals are looking to harvest:

  • Telephone Number
  • Home Address
  • Date of birth
  • Password Information (or what they require to reset your password)
  • Social security numbers
  • Credit card details

Cyber criminals then use the information obtained to impersonate the target for their own, often financial, gains.

Some cyber criminals use the information gathered by a phishing email to begin a more targeted cyber-attack, such as a  business email compromise incident, that relies on knowing more about the victim.

How does Phishing Happen?

It all begins when a victim replies to a fraudulent email that demands their attention.  Examples of actions are:

  • Updating a password
  • Clicking an attachment
  • Using a new Wi-Fi Hotspot
  • Enabling macros in Word Documents
  • Social Media Connection request

Since phishing attacks come in various forms, distinguishing one from a valid text, email, information request, can be tricky.  For this reason, phishing simulations are an ideal way to test users knowledge and boost organisation-wide levels of phishing awareness.

What is the threat?

An infrastructure that’s protected just by a firewall, antivirus, and backups in this environment in 2022 is simply not going to be enough to keep you safe. The threats are so sophisticated and so capable that you need your team to be part of  your defence.

With the current threat landscape, a solid cyber security culture is an absolute, yet difficult to deliver business objective for us all without constant reinforcement and review of the evolving threat.  Old school training is not always the best way. 

There is such a large plethora of  cyber security advice available these days, many people find it tricky to know where to begin. Some businesses in the Ipswich, Felixstowe, and surrounding Suffolk area struggle to explain why cyber security is something that all staff should care about.   Even larger companies (with in-house training resources) find it complicated to explain the technical aspects of cyber security in ways that are relevant to their team, so that they can help keep their company (and themselves) safe from a cyber security attack.

Supply chain attacks, AI-based spear phishing and hybrid working – the cyber threat landscape remains tense.

What can I do to combat the Criminals?

Now is the time to thwart professional cybercriminals, and to secure data and systems by minimizing human security risks.  Invest and train your people and they can be your very own superhuman firewall to keep you and your business safe. Official statistics from the governments Cyber Security survey reports show that 39% of UK business identified a cyber attack in the last 12 months.

Three Reasons why Cyber Security Training is vital:

  • You will meet Compliance Standards
  • You will reduce the risk of data breaches
  • You will empower your team

What does Cyber Security Training include:

  • A way to initially benchmark Cyber Awareness across your full team
  • Regular Phishing Simulations to test the impact of the cyber security training
  • A benchmark tool for new starters so you can assess their level of cyber knowledge before letting them loose on your network
  • A 45-minute training video on the biggest Cyber Security Threats in 2022
  • Weekly Training Content with Micro Quizzes
  • Monthly Newsletter highlighting the current risks
  • A portal where you can view the Employee Secure Score for the whole of your team

It is crucial to quantify the people risk in your business and take you and your team on a journey to significantly reduce it.

Ipswich based Corbel are Cyber Security experts and can work with you to ensure your data and your infrastructure is protected to best practice standard. Please call us on 01473 241515 to have a chat with our team. Or check out our testimonials to see how we have successfully helped other businesses in Felixstowe, Woodbridge, Stowmarket, Bury St. Edmunds and the surrounding Suffolk areas to keep their businesses safe.

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